Battles Бронетанковая техника и артиллерия времен Великой отечественной войны. Воспоминания ветеранов. Аналитические материалы. Боевые донесения, отчеты по испытаниям, архивные материалы. Обширный фотоальбом, включая чертежи. Joomla! 1.5 - Open Source Content Management Подвиг 365-й зенитной батареи при обороне Севастополя 2010-10-13T08:19:57Z 2010-10-13T08:19:57Z /en/combat-accounts/113-battles-1942/464-365-antiaircraft-battery.html Валерий Потапов <p class="plain" style="font-weight:bold; color:red; margin:40px 0;">This article is not translated in English yet. Please switsh to Russian language to read it or to translate it.</p> <p class="plain" style="font-weight:bold; color:red; margin:40px 0;">This article is not translated in English yet. Please switsh to Russian language to read it or to translate it.</p> The Fate of Amphibious Assault Tanks 2005-09-25T16:03:08Z 2005-09-25T16:03:08Z /en/combat-accounts/113-battles-1942/165-tank-descent.html Miroslav Morozov <p class="blog">The breakthrough of a defense in World War II was always a complex problem for the attacking side. Forces and means were carefully prepared and amassed; a time and place were selected. What would be the outcome of an operation in which the troops went over to the attack at night or in poor weather conditions, practically without artillery preparation? This would be absurd, you say. Such an operation would be bound to fail. But this is exactly how one could characterize the overwhelming majority of our amphibious landing operations of the first and second periods of the Great Patriotic War...</p> <p class="blog">The breakthrough of a defense in World War II was always a complex problem for the attacking side. Forces and means were carefully prepared and amassed; a time and place were selected. What would be the outcome of an operation in which the troops went over to the attack at night or in poor weather conditions, practically without artillery preparation? This would be absurd, you say. Such an operation would be bound to fail. But this is exactly how one could characterize the overwhelming majority of our amphibious landing operations of the first and second periods of the Great Patriotic War...</p> COUNTERPOINT TO STALINGRAD. Operation Mars (November-December 1942) 2005-09-25T15:54:36Z 2005-09-25T15:54:36Z /en/combat-accounts/113-battles-1942/163-counterpoint-to-stalingrad-operation-mars-november-december-1942.html David M.Glantz <p class="blog">After enduring months of bitter and costly defensive combat at Stalingrad, on 19 November 1942, Red Army forces struck a massive blow against the hitherto triumphant German Army. To the Germans' utter consternation, within one week Soviet forces encircled German Sixth Army in the deadly Stalingrad cauldron. Ten weeks later, the army's tattered remnants surrendered, ending the most famous battle of the German-Soviet War...</p> <p class="blog">After enduring months of bitter and costly defensive combat at Stalingrad, on 19 November 1942, Red Army forces struck a massive blow against the hitherto triumphant German Army. To the Germans' utter consternation, within one week Soviet forces encircled German Sixth Army in the deadly Stalingrad cauldron. Ten weeks later, the army's tattered remnants surrendered, ending the most famous battle of the German-Soviet War...</p>