Russian tank crew (1 просматривают) (1) гость
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ТОПИК: Russian tank crew
Russian tank crew 2 год, 7 мес. назад
Hi, I’m with the Canadian armoured school as a troop warrant officer, I got nearly 22 years of service and I’m in charge of simulation on VBS 2 game. I recently visited Russia (Saint Petersburg, Moscow and Volgograd), and I have a keen interest in Russian tanks having drove a T-72 (ex-East German tank) for three years. If it’s possible I would like to talk with a modern Russian crew member regarding Russian wording and sequence in engaging target or any crew commander stuff, I need the Russian words. For example, in Canadian army, when the crew commander wants to engage a target, his words of commands would look like this: Crew commander Gunner Sabot laser tank on! On, 1800 Fire Firing now, left add. Firing now, target! Target stop! NB; The T-72 we had for three years at our Armoured regiment drove more than 1000km and never once broke down! It was outpacing Leopard 1 on rough roads.
RE: Russian tank crew 2 год назад
Ask about it V P — I think it the former tankman. It seems the veteran of war
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