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Vulnerability of the T-34 and T-70 in combat operations of 1942

Written by Валерий Потапов
Published on Friday, 07 May 2010 10:45
Last Updated on
Read 12521 times

Moscow Research Lab TsNII-48 collected and statistically processed material on the vulnerability of Soviet tanks T-34 and T-70 in combat conditions. Material collected from Repair Base Factories No.37 (Moscow), No.112 (obtained from GABTU) etc. They examined 178 tanks T-34 and 70 tanks T-70.

Table 1. The distribution of damages of T-34 to projectile calibres*
The sort of damage Calibres, % Total %
20 mm 37 mm 42 mm 50 mm 75 mm 88 mm 105 mm unrecognized
safe 3.2 6.8 4.9 30.6 3.2 0.2 2 3.2 54
dangerous 1.5 3.2 2.6 23.7 6.7 3.2 0.9 3.9 46
Total 4.7 10 7.5 54.3 10.1 3.4 2.9 7.1 100

* the determination of calibres made by diameter of hole in armor. Thus for example  the 20 mm should rather be attributed to the German 50 mm HVAPs.

Table 2. The effectiveness of German artillery fire on the T-34 tanks
The sort of damage Calibres Total, %
20 mm 37 mm 42 mm 50 mm 75 mm 88 mm 105 mm unrecognized
safe 68 68 65 57 31 5 69 45 54
dangerous 22 32 35 43 69 95 31 55 46
% of the dangerous hits to the total amount of all dangerous hits by all calibres 3.3 7 5.6 51.6 15 7 2 8.5 -

154 T-34 tanks (of total 170) took the defeat of armor, it was only 534 hits, of which 54% (289) safe and 46% (245) dangerous. Among these 154 tanks 38 vehicles (24,6%) were burned out and and 7 out these 38 were also damaged by mines.

The distribution of these 534 hits between hulls and turrets:

hulls — 432 hits — 81%

turrets — 102 hits — 19%

The every tank had from 1 to 17 hits; 116 tanks (75,3% of total tanks) had 1–4 hits.

Table 3. Comparative distribution of hits to the hull and turret of the T-34
The sort of damage Average amount of hits Amount of safe and dangerous hits
to 1 tank to 1 hull to 1 turret hull башне
safe 1.89 1.69 0.19 60% 29.4%
dangerous 1.59 1.12 0.47 40% 70.6%
Total 3.48 2.81 0.61 100% 100%

Among examined 70 tanks T-70: 58 tanks (82,8%) had defeated armor protection and 12 tanks (17,2%) arrived for repairs because of deterioration of the engine (9 tanks), running gear (1 tank) and 2 burned out tanks.

212 hits distributet between these 58 tanks; 69,3% dangerous and 30,7% safe hits. From these 58 tanks 25 (42%) had burned out and 2 tanks (3,4%) hit by mines.

The distribution of these 212 hits between the hull and turret:

hull — 66,5%

turret — 33,5%

Table 4. The effectiveness of German artillery fire on the T-70 tanks
The sort of damage 50 mm projectiles and less, % more 50 mm, % Unrecognized, % Total, %
safe 36.5 23.5 9.5 69.3
dangerous 70.7 63.5 76.5 70.7
% of the dangerous hits to the total amount of all dangerous hits by all calibres 64.6 26.6 8.8 -
Table 5. Comparative distribution of hits to the hull and turret of the T-70
The sort of damage Average hits amount Safe and dangerous hits amount
to 1 tank to 1 hull to 1 turret hull turret
safe 1.12 0.54 0.58 22.2% 47.5%
dangerous 2.54 1.90 0.64 77.8% 52.5%
Total 3.66 2.44 1.22 100% 100%

«Study of the Armor Defeat Ability of the German projectiles to the armor of Soviet tanks», TsNII-48, NKTP, 1942.

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