Немного о танковых таранах (1 viewing) (1) Guest
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TOPIC: Немного о танковых таранах
A few words on tank ramming 2 Years, 10 Months ago
This thread discusses the Content article: A few words on tank ramming I've been on this site for a while now and I've been looking for info on this, and now I have found some. Cheers, I wonder what David Glandz would make of this:unsure:, a net friend of mine asked him about tank ramming in Kursk and he said that as far as he knows, it did'nt happen. Thoughts gentlemen? Tom
RE: A few words on tank ramming 2 Years, 2 Months ago
I think that it considers that it propaganda, I do not understand why it so thinks. How to prove that tank ramming it it is real? Likely there are awards received for it and documents confirming these awards. Excuse for my English
RE: A few words on tank ramming 2 Years, 2 Months ago
w1tek: I think that it considers that it propaganda, I do not understand why it so thinks. How to prove that tank ramming it it is real? Likely there are awards received for it and documents confirming these awards. Excuse for my English Any propaganda must follows some idea. What idea to propagate the tank ramming? Was it true or false it means nothing and proves nothing.
Last Edit: 2009/05/31 17:39 By .
RE: A few words on tank ramming 2 Years, 2 Months ago
Yes-if it пропоганда that what purpose was at it?
RE: A few words on tank ramming 2 Years, 2 Months ago
I don't see any propaganda reason and thus tank ramming was just another face of war, not propaganda.
RE: A few words on tank ramming 2 Years, 2 Months ago
It agree, but it seems to me that in the West think differently
Re:A few words on tank ramming 2 Years, 2 Months ago
Hi tek, I think I understand (and thanks for the first post on this thread I was losing hope), it all came about in a WW II game that I have played a number of years. I have read some books and accounts that the Russians rammed some German tanks in the Kursk battle. And I wanted to put that in a Kursk game I was running at the time (think miniature tabletop game, 15mm range for the models). I asked opinions on it in their game site forum and in the end I got that reply from a friend of David Glandz. The other comments related to earlier in the war when some KVs ran out of ammo and had gun barrel problems so they rammed some of the German tanks, but ONLY in Early-War.... I did'nt think to much about it but I wondered why I heard so much about it, propaganda or not. I went to another site and some very good Russian members posted some books and topics they had on these tank rammings, and the article here (Alex for one). Did Glandz maybe not look for this aspect of the battle specifically, I don't know but I think the brave Russians did in fact do this. It does'nt sem to be a common occurance and a «doctrine» to be taught and used by every tank commander. But a do or die attitude to take a German tank out regardless by some tank crews seems to ring true. I think the Propaganda is more linked to the 1000s of tanks on each side fighting and getting knocked out in the specific area of Prokhorovka. Thanks for the posts tek and V_P, its nice to chat with you guys. Cheers Tom:)
Last Edit: 2009/06/03 04:15 By .
RE: A few words on tank ramming 2 Years, 2 Months ago
The dirty German thanks that has come
RE: A few words on tank ramming 2 Years, 2 Months ago
w1tek писал (а): It agree, but it seems to me that in the West think differently They're always afraid anything they didn't hear is a soviet propaganda 
Re:A few words on tank ramming 2 Years, 1 Month ago
Yes, some do (think) just that from some sources, I try to find out if at all possible what can be learned from various sources on one topic. Then a better understanding can hopfully be achieved in the end. Cheers, I try to look at both sides as to what may have been written down and reported on specific battles, Kursk has always interested me since I first heard about it many years ago, then later Bagration. Tom
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