Ice crossing of the Kerch strait (1 viewing) (1) Guest
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TOPIC: Ice crossing of the Kerch strait
Re:Ice crossing of the Kerch strait 1 Year, 9 Months ago
Hello, This is a great description of a great and dangerous undertaking; the ice crossing of the Straits of Kerch. I understand that there is a very swift current there. Additionally, the naval crossing in the heavy seas was quite brave and spectactular. Years ago (many years ago now, I am near 60) I read the German SS Wiking soldier's account of the Caucasus campaign entitled 'The Caucasus and Oil', or something similar, I forget. Starting in the mid to late 1960s the history of the eastern Fron — mainly German sources but some Russian and Soviet sources — began to become somewhat popular here in the USA, particualarily among ameteur as well as professional historians, military personnel, and hobbyists (wargamers, model builders etc.), plus there were many USA citixens that had been Polish Rumanian, Hngarian, a few Russian, Latvian, etc. citizens in their respective countries during the war, and their stories were told mainly verbally on a personal basis to other people here. Thanx for this great info.
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